Help us celebrate NEWF's 10th year and register now for our special anniversary workout on Saturday, June 17th, 9am-11am. This will be a 3-part, 2-person team WOD, with movements that can be performed by all! Want a chance to win some NEWF swag? Sign up for one of the competition brackets. Just want to have fun and show your support without the stress of being judged? Join the "just-for-fun" bracket! There will be an Intermediate, Novice and Masters division, and teams can be same or mixed sex.
​Everyone must register individually.
Don't have a partner? Register now and we will find you one!
WOD #1
AC/DC Again?!?!

- 20 Slam Balls (25/20)
- 15 Synchro kipping knee ups
- 10 partner facing partner step over burpees
- 20 Slam balls (25/20)
- 15 synchro L-sits
- 10 partner facing partner hop burpees
Athlete #1 starts standing over the slam ball, Athlete #2 stands facing Athlete #1. At 3-2-1-GO! Athlete #1 begins doing slamballs. Only 1 athlete works at a time and athletes can switch whenever and as many times as required to complete the 20 reps. At the completion of 20 reps, both athletes jump onto the pullup bar and begin to do Synchro kipping knee ups (Novice) or L-sits (Intermediate). Athletes must work together, at the same time, and complete 15 reps together. At the completion of 15 reps, one athlete will lay prone on the ground, while the other performs a burpee facing their partner laying on the ground and then hops over the prone athlete. Only 1 athlete works at a time and athletes can switch whenever and as many times as required to complete the 10 reps. Continue in this manner for 8 minutes.
ALL DIVISIONS – The movement starts with athlete #1 standing tall over the ball, with hips and knees fully extended. Bending and/or squatting down, the athlete picks up the ball with both hands and stands up with hips fully extended, and hands and arms overhead with elbows locked out. The athlete then throws the ball to the ground and repeats the movement until complete or switches with their partner. Each time the ball hits the ground, the athlete achieves 1 rep. Weight for All divisions is (25m/20w).
INTERMEDIATE – This division will perform Synchro L-sits. The movement starts with both athletes hanging from the bar, feet not in contact with anything, hips fully open, and the heels behind the vertical plane of the bar. Each athlete will then swing their legs up until the toes of both athletes’ feet rise above the hip crease together. From there the legs will swing back until the hips are again fully open at the bottom with the heels behind the vertical plane of the Bar and no part of the feet touching the ground or any object. An overhand, underhand, or mixed grip is permitted. A rep is counted when both athletes have their toes above their hips at the same time.
NOVICE/MASTERS – This division will perform Synchro knee ups. The movement starts with both athletes hanging from the bar, feet not in contact with anything, hips fully open, and the heels behind the vertical plane of the Bar. Each athlete will then swing their legs up until the knees of both athletes rise above the hip crease together. From there the legs will swing back until the hips are again fully open at the bottom with the heels behind the vertical plane of the Bar and no part of the feet touching the ground or any object. An overhand, underhand, or mixed grip is permitted. A rep is counted when both athletes have their knees above their hips at the same time.
INTERMEDIATE – This division will perform a partner HOP burpee. The movement begins with Athlete #1 lying prone on the ground and athlete #2 standing upright and perpendicular to athlete #1. Athlete #2 begins by stepping or jumping back to lie on the ground with the chest and thighs contacting the floor. The athlete may then step or jump back up to their feet. The athlete must then jump over their partner using a two-foot takeoff. Single-legged jumping or stepping over is not permitted but the athlete does not need to land with both feet at the same time. The movement is completed, and a rep is counted when both feet land on the floor. The athlete will continue this pattern until complete or until they switch with their partner.
NOVICE/MASTERS – This division will perform a partner STEP OVER burpee. The movement begins with Athlete #1 lying prone on the ground and athlete #2 standing upright and perpendicular to athlete #1. Athlete #2 begins by stepping or jumping back to lie on the ground with the chest and thighs contacting the floor. The athlete may then step or jump back up to their feet. The athlete must then step over their partner in any way. The movement is completed, and a rep is counted when both feet land on the floor. The athlete will continue this pattern until complete or until they switch with their partner.
WOD #2
Leave the Boxes Out

- Max Effort Calorie Row
- 4 DB Devil Press (30/15)
- 6 DB Box Overs (20"/16")
- 8 DB Side Hold Reverse Alt Lunge (30/15)
- Max Effort Calorie Row
- 4 DB Devil Press (35/20)
- 6 DB Box Overs (24"/20")
- 8 DB Front Rack Reverse Alt Lunges (35/20)
Athlete #1 starts on the rower while Athlete #2 stands over their DBs. At 3-2-1-GO! both athletes begin to work. If either athlete stops to rest, the other athlete has to stop working as well. Athlete #1 continues to row for calories until Athlete #2 completes one full round of the DB movements: devil press, box overs, and rack held reverse lunges (Intermediate) or side held reverse lunges (Novice), then athletes switch. Continue in this manner for 8 minutes.
ALL DIVISIONS – The monitor on the rower must be set to zero at the beginning of the row. The damper may be set to any number and may be changed at any point during the row. If the athlete who is not rowing stops to rest during their movements, the athlete who is rowing must also stop. Either athlete IS permitted to grab the handle and continue moving it while the athletes switch positions.
ALL DIVISIONS – The movement starts with the dumbbells on the ground. The athlete must reach a push up position holding both dumbbells, the chest making full contact with the ground, and then raise both dumbbells to an overhead position in one movement. The rep is credited when the dumbbells are locked out overhead, with the hips, knees, and arms fully extended, both dumbbells directly over or slightly behind the middle of the body. Hands must remain in contact with the dumbbells throughout the entire movement, including the burpee. A clean & jerk or any pause resulting in the dumbbells contacting the body is not allowed. Weight for Intermediate Division is (35m/20w), weight for Novice/Masters Division is (30m/15w)
ALL DIVISIONS – The movement begins with the athlete standing next to the box with two feet on the floor holding a dumbbell in each hand. With the dumbbell supported in any position but not resting on the leg, the athlete will step to the top of the box with both feet and then back off to the other side. Athletes do not need to stand up completely while on top of the box but no part of the athlete’s body, other than the bottom of the feet, may touch the box to assist any part of the movement or to catch balance. The athlete may face any direction while mounting and dismounting. The rep is credited when both feet of the athlete are on the floor of the other side of the box. Weight for Intermediate Division is (35m/20w), weight for Novice/Masters Division is (30m/15w). Box height for Intermediate Division is (24”m/20”w), box height for Novice/Masters Division is (20”m/16”w).
INTERMEDIATE - Each lunge begins with the athlete standing tall, both toes on a line, with hips and knees extended. Each hand is holding a dumbbell in the front rack position, with the rear head of the dumbbell resting on the shoulder. The athlete will step back with one foot and squat down until the rear knee touches the floor, and then stand back up to the starting position, both toes on the line, with hips and knees extended. The dumbbells must remain in the front rack position throughout the movement. The athlete will then repeat with the opposite leg. This counts as 2 reps. The athlete will continue this pattern until complete or until they switch with their partner.
NOVICE/MASTERS - Each lunge begins with the athlete standing tall, both toes on a line, with hips and knees extended. Each hand is holding a dumbbell, hanging at the sides of their body. The athlete will step back with one foot and squat down until the rear knee touches the floor, and then stand back up to the starting position, both toes on the line, with hips and knees extended. The dumbbells must remain at their sides, with no swinging movement for momentum. The athlete will then repeat with the opposite leg. This counts as 2 reps. The athlete will continue this pattern until complete or until they switch with their partner.​
WOD #3
Hook Grip is Life
PART B: 4Min Max Weight
- 12 Hang Power Clean (75/45)
- 24 Floor Press (75/45)
- 36 Single Unders
- 12 Hang Power Clean (95/65)
- 24 Floor Press (95/65)
- 36 Double Unders / 90 Single Unders
Max Tonnage Deadlift (Max weight 275)

Workout begins with both athletes standing at the loaded bar. At 3-2-1 GO! The Athlete(s) will perform a clean deadlift, then perform 12 hang power cleans. Athletes may switch at any point within the 12 reps. Once completed, starting on the ground, the Athlete(s) will perform 24 floor press. Finally, the Athlete(s) will complete 36 single unders (Novice) or 36 double unders/90 single unders (Intermediate). Continue in this manner for 8 minutes, at which time Part B begins immediately. Within the 4 minutes, athletes will attempt to deadlift as many times as possible. Only 1 athlete can work at a time, same sex athletes must use same bar/weight, weight can not be changed once reps begin. Rep is complete once athlete has lowered the bar back to the ground. Score equals weight lifted multiplied by total successful reps.
ALL DIVISIONS – The movement begins with the barbell on the floor and the athlete standing above. The athlete bends/squats down to pick up the barbell and lifts it to the hips, with the hips and knees fully extended, and the feet in line. The athlete then hinges forward, with the bar lowering no further than middle of knees and lifts the bars to the shoulders, with the elbows in front of the bar, knees and hips fully extended, to complete the rep. The athlete continues in this manner for each successive rep. If the bar returns to the floor, the athlete must deadlift back up to hip before continuing (can NOT power clean directly from the floor). Weight for Intermediate Division is (95m/65w), weight for Novice/Masters Division is (75m/45w).
ALL DIVISIONS – The movement begins with the barbell on the floor and the athlete standing above. The athlete moves to a supine position with the barbell in the hands above the chest and the upper arm and elbow resting on the ground. The athlete presses the bar vertically up to an extended arm and locked out elbow position to complete the rep. For mixed sex partners 2 separate bars may be used. Weight for Intermediate Division is (95m/65w), weight for Novice/Masters Division is (75m/45w).
INTERMEDIATE – This division may perform double under (36 reps) or single under (90 reps) jump ropes. For double unders, the rope must spin forward and pass under the feet twice for each rep. For single unders, the rope must spin forward and pass under the feet once for each rep.
NOVICE/MASTERS – This division will perform single under (36 reps) jump ropes. For single unders, the rope must spin forward and pass under the feet once for each rep.
ALL DIVISIONS – The movement begins with the barbell on the floor and the athlete standing above. The athlete bends down and places both hands on the bar, outside the knees (sumo stance not allowed). The athlete then stands up with hips and knees fully extended and the head and shoulders are behind the bar. The rep is complete once the athlete has lowered (not dropped) the bar back to the ground. Touch-and-go is permitted for the remainder of the reps but bouncing the plates off the ground is not. Any grip is allowed, but straps are not. For mixed sex partners 2 separate bars with different weights may be used. The max weight which can be used is 275lb.​
Hang On
Max Time Bar Hang

- Max Time Bar Hang
At any point throughout the competition, each athlete will need to complete the Floater WOD individually. The workout begins with the athlete placing both hands on a pullup bar and standing on a box. At 3-2-1-GO! the athlete steps off the box into a straight-arm dead hang for time.
ALL DIVISIONS - The Athlete begins with both hands on a pull up bar and 1 foot on a box for support. Hands only on the bar (no forearms, elbows or underarm holds) with a palms out, palms in or alternating placement and a normal, hook or monkey grip. At 3-2-1-GO! the Athlete will step off the box into a straight-arm hang from the bar and the time will start. No part of the body may touch the posts or ground and no swinging, kipping or bending of the elbow is allowed. Re-gripping is allowed, but 1-arm hanging, swinging or kipping into the re-grip is not allowed. Once both hands or any part of the body touches the post or floor, the time will stop.